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  • Buckeye Blue - The All Purpose Cleaner
  • Aqua Dust™ - Dust Mop Treatment


  • Mop Bucket
  • Wringer
  • Dust Mop
  • Broom
  • Clean Cotton-Blend Mop
  • Wet Floor Signs
  • Dust Pan
  • Scraper or Putty Knife



Dust mop the floor to remove loose debris and soils.


In an enclosed room, outline the room, angling the mop away from the edges. Then dust mop the floor, working toward the door using an S-stroke for more effective dust removal.  To dust mop a hallway, start at one edge and walk to the other end of the hall, angling the mop away from the edge.  Pivot and mop the other edge in the opposite direction.  Finally mop down the center.


Treat your dust mop heads with Buckeye's Aqua Dust Dust Mop Treatment.  Aqua Dust attracts dust to the mop, preventing it from spreading around as you work.  Treat dust mop heads at the end of the day with Aqua Dust to prepare them for the next day's use.


Use a putty knife to scrape up anything that may be stuck to the floor, like gum.  Be careful not to scratch the floor.  When you're finished dust mopping, collect the dust and debris in one area and pick it up with a dustpan.


Fill a mop bucket with a solution of Buckeye Blue All-Purpose Cleaner diluted through the Action Control System at 2 ounces per gallon.  Damp mop with Buckeye Blue.  Wring the mop so it's damp, not dripping.  After outlining a manageable area, fill it in using a figure-8 motion to keep the edges clean and ensure complete coverage.  Let the floor air dry.  When your mop water starts to look dirty, wring the mop head, empty and rinse the bucket, and refill the bucket with fresh solution.  Mopping with dirty water will make the floor look yellow and dull - and require you to remop - a waste of your time.


Keep the gym floor and the track safe by spot cleaning when necessary.  You can dust mop the gym floor.  And when the rubber track is not in use, damp mop with Buckeye Blue.


When you're done for the day, clean and put away your supplies so they will be ready for the next use.

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